Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Final Compositions

My Colored Composition: Relating Mood to Traffic by DJ Tiesto

My Black/White Composition: Relating Rhythm to Traffic by DJ Tiesto 

attempt #1 at colored composition

Here are my thoughts for my colored composition. First thing I did was try to pick out a hue set that I felt was appropriate for my composition. I chose a split complimentary of purple/orange/yellow because those hues are associated with happiness, energy, wealth, and creativity.

Next I chose this photo of NYC traffic as the background for my composition, then simplified it which you can see above in my sketches. From there I made multiple lines to create the small, geometric shapes that I would later fill in with color.

inspiration for my colored composition

This is a painting done by Joseph Stella titled Spring, medium: watercolor. I saw this at the Bowdoin Museum of Art and was very intrigued by the overall composition. As I stood there and observed the painting, first thing I noticed was the depth of the painting. When I listen to the song I chose, the listener can experience multiple feelings towards the song, such as happiness, passion, energy, creativity, wealth, mystery and cleanliness. Although I feel that Joseph Stella's Spring doesnt have this many feelings/moods that could be associated with it, I feel that the stain glass effect with small, geometric shapes in a specific color set is very effective for my composition.

sketches for black/white composition

Here are a few of my thoughts for the black and white composition. For my color composition I wanted to focus on mood so for my black/white composition I solely focused on rhythm. When you think of a techno song, first instincts may be that it is a hectic song, however for Traffic by DJ Tiesto it is smooth. What I mean by smooth is the transitions from one bunch of beats to another set is not chaotic, the dj does not throw in random beats to throw off the listener. Other notes I jotted down were how many beats, the flow of the piece of music and a few sketches that could be associated with the music.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Assignment 11b - Ad #2 Final

This is my second ad. Compared to the first one, I wanted to make this one more creative. When I was brain storming, I was really interested in the metaphoric meaning of roots coming from the company to the education. At first I did not have a box around Where Young Minds Grow, rather a single root would connect to each letter. However I found that to be cheesy and got away from what I wanted the ads to portray which is clean, organized and not hard to distinguish what Juan's company was: professional.

Assignment 11b - Ad #1 Final

This is one of the two ads I came up with. This one is simplistic which I like because if your a non profit company selling textbooks to schools, you do not want a fancy ad. All the important information I gathered from the interview is on this ad. Reffering back to the Z format overall, the three main points would be Warning!, Tall Tree Publishing, and Where Minds Grow. I want the viwer's eye to hit those main points first than wonder. Overall there seems to be too much empty space but I did not want to clog the info.

Assignment 11b - sketch work for ad 2

This is the sketch work for my second ad. I started out by brain storming different words for grow and fourth word I thought of was roots. When I think about roots, I think sustainability. Relate that to publishing books for K-8th graders and you get roots coming out from the logo that could connect to the main concept of the company. Just some thoughts to work with....

Assignment 11b - sketch work for ad 1

This is some sketch work I did for my first ad. I knew in my head what I wanted to do immediately, figuring out the composition was the tough part. However using the notes given in class I knew I wanted to do a Z composition, plus things in 3's seem to be more powerful.

First Impressions About the Answers Juan Gave Me About His Company

Professional. Tall Tree Publishing is all about doing a good deed and helping out schools that cannot afford new, spiffy textbooks. The ideas I have for creating an ad for Tall Tree will be nothing complex because I want to get the point across about what it is that the company does. Nothing fancy; ads will have a lot of info compared to others. Logo is a must but as far as colors, nothing bright or wacky that would give people fits if reading the advertisement.

Assignment 11b: 10 Questions about Juan's Company

Question 1: What is it that your company does?
A: Tall Tree is a publishing company that writes textbooks and learning games to go with.

Question 2: What is your target audience?
A: K-8

Question 3: Do you sell to make a profit?
A:  No, doing a good deed for children's education around the nation.

Question 4: Competitive edge?
A:  Care for children's education

Question 5: National or International Location?
A: National

Question 6: Where are you located in the states?
A: Seattle is where our headquarters are located, however we have multiple stores in different regions of the US.

Question 7: How many stores total?
A: 110

Question 8: Do you sell to high end or low end?
A: We sell to anyone and everyone in need of a textbook/learning game upgrade. No discrimination!

Monday, April 11, 2011

DJ Tiesto - Traffic


After searching high and low for songs without lyrics through various genres, I chose this song by DJ Tiesto: Traffic. What appeals to me besides the fact that I like it in general, is the upbeat tempo and instrumentals used (although its primarily beats). I know I will be able to translate into an audio visual design as designs are already pouring into my head as to what to do.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Video of Elizabeth Murray in Her Natural Habitat - Painting Studio

I recently did a art project where I had to choose an artist and replicate two of their pieces, then create my own using their style. Elizabeth Murray was who I chose because of her chaotic, abstract paintings of oil on giant canvases. Here is a video of her style, scroll ahead 28 minutes into the video... Enjoy! Click Here

"The Sun and the Moon"