Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Color/Typography Assignment

First word: Tall. My goal was to make it looked stretched out, therefore I made it thin and bigger compared to brick. As for the color, I had no idea what color represents tall. Since no color is associated with tall, I wanted to make it compliment red. Green and red does give it a christmasy kinda feeling but red is a primary color and green is a secondary color which is why I feel that green was a good choice.

Second word: BRICK. Brick was a much easier word to work with than tall as far as the color scheme. However I wanted to put more emphasis in the typography aspect of the word so physically, I tried to make it look like a brick. I chose a stencil font because if you look at a brick wall, a white layer surrounds each one. That is why the letters are not connected with a gap. 

Overall I feel that my tile met all the goals and requirements of the project. I had one color for each word and the typography was appropriate for each word. If I could do a couple things differently, I would make tall thinner and instead of vertical white gaps in brick, made them horizontal.

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