Wednesday, March 30, 2011

letter head 2

letter head 1

business card 2

business card 1

logo 2

After creating my first logo, I immediately knew what I wanted to do with my second logo. Instead of spelling out Tall brick, I used Tb then productions on the bottom in case there was a logo with TB as the initials so customers dont get confused. However now looking at my finished product, instead of a black background I should have used something lighter so the productions would have stuck out more. In the end, I am pleased with my finish product because it compliments my first logo.

logo 1

After deleting a few layers from my first try at creating a logo for Tall Brick Productions and after a few fixes, this is what I came up with. I am pleased with the outcome and would not change anything.

first attempt at logo1

This was my first attempt at a logo for Tall Brick Productions. I was liking where this was going because of the film background, font used for Tall Brick and the overall composition. However I was trying to create the logo before the letter head and  business card and this "logo" felt like the business card. I started playing around with the layers on photoshop and after deleting a few, I came up with the composition I was looking for my logo accidentally....

Monday, March 28, 2011

A Lamp - Art Deco and Art Nouvea Style

Out of the two, I had the most trouble with art nouveau because I had to essentially create an organic-shaped lamp. What I did was examine the movement of the lamp then create my art piece according too where my eye traveled. I put most emphasis on the top of the lamp because it was the heaviest part of the lamp and also because it was the most intricate part of the piece. As for the art deco lamp, it was easier because what I did was transformed any organic shapes into geometric shapes and exaggerated the proportions. Then instead of showing the intricate design on the original lamp shade with curvy lines, I used dots.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Replication of Acrylic on Canvas

This is my replica of Dustin's exagerated plum. If you were to compare his to mine you will notice many differences in the color and position of words. This is my second time working with acrylics (not counting my own project) and it definitely shows. When copying Dustin's, I did not use any tools to replicate it, only my own judgement.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Color/Typography Assignment

First word: Tall. My goal was to make it looked stretched out, therefore I made it thin and bigger compared to brick. As for the color, I had no idea what color represents tall. Since no color is associated with tall, I wanted to make it compliment red. Green and red does give it a christmasy kinda feeling but red is a primary color and green is a secondary color which is why I feel that green was a good choice.

Second word: BRICK. Brick was a much easier word to work with than tall as far as the color scheme. However I wanted to put more emphasis in the typography aspect of the word so physically, I tried to make it look like a brick. I chose a stencil font because if you look at a brick wall, a white layer surrounds each one. That is why the letters are not connected with a gap. 

Overall I feel that my tile met all the goals and requirements of the project. I had one color for each word and the typography was appropriate for each word. If I could do a couple things differently, I would make tall thinner and instead of vertical white gaps in brick, made them horizontal.